Route of Handling Technology
Development of Ergo Handling Technology in China

With the continuous advancement of industrialization, following the pace of the development of industrial equipment, industrial equipment has also developed by leaps and bounds.

Among them, industrial equipment that realizes labor-saving operation with assisted handling technology has been widely used in various industries. With the help of mechanical principles and pneumatic control technology, as well as the electric servo technology gradually developed in recent years, manufacturing and production processes have become more labor-saving and efficient.

The author has been working in the material labor-saving handling industry for more than 20 years, and some friends often ask: What technologies and products are there to assist in handling? What is the most effective way to improve current productivity? Will different solutions have corresponding limitations? ...

Therefore, the author briefly sorted out the development context of assist handling technology in China, and listed common scenarios accordingly. I published a series of short articles to help more friends understand assist handling technology. , which is more conducive to the application and promotion of handling technology, so that more people can benefit from this technology.

Regulations an Current Situation

The safety and health conditions of front-line operators, such as work-related injuries and lumbar muscle strain, have attracted more and more attention. According to the [National Standard] GB 12330-1990 Physical Handling Weight Limit Standard promulgated in 1990, the handling weight of male operators shall not exceed 15kg, and the handling weight of female operators shall not exceed 10kg.

Although the regulations on workplaces are becoming more and more strict, the actual production situation of enterprises is still not optimistic: many lifting and handling work are still done manually, various safety accidents occur from time to time, and risks are difficult to avoid. The number of reported cases of occupational diseases such as joint dislocation, ligament strains, intervertebral disc herniation, and physical fatigue is increasing every year.

Incorrect material handling methods and unreasonable production processes are the major incentives for front-line operator staff injuries and occupational diseases. On the production line, have you paid attention to the need to improve labor conditions and optimize technological processes?

Lifting Equipment

In terms of material transportation in the production process, domestic lifting equipment: cranes, chain hoists, etc. have been developed for a long time. Later, after some foreign brands entered China, "light electric hoists" and "flexible cranes" have become more widely popularized .

The working load of traditional cranes is mainly 5ton, 10ton and 30ton, and there are generally problems such as large amount of engineering, high investment cost and long installation period. Although the chain hoist has a wide range of applications, it is very inefficient. In December 1994, German company D entered China and introduced light electric hoists and KBK rails. The system architecture and equipment installation can be achieved by erecting light plane sliding rails. Compared with the previous driving system, it is simpler and more convenient. It can indeed be called "flexible installation". For the handling of 100kg, 300kg, 1000kg and other weight materials in the production process, the operation is lighter.

Booster Equipment

With the further development of the manufacturing industry, some "short boards" of electric hoists in lifting and handling have become more and more obvious:
Electric pulse drive, the upper and lower positions cannot be very precise;
Electric up and down operation, the up and down action has impact;
When hanging heavy objects, the hands must be separated for operation, which is very inconvenient (one hand must be freed to operate the flashlight door);
It is easy to collide with the workbench when discharging to the workbench......

In recent years, the manufacturing industry has gradually transformed and upgraded to a high-precision development direction, and accordingly, higher requirements have been placed on its production equipment and production process: how to achieve faster beats? How to ensure product quality in mass production? How to achieve precision assembly? How to automate the production process?

Therefore, the manipulator came into being. By dissolving the gravity and torsion of the material and adopting the integrated control method, the operation is simpler and more effective, and the corresponding misoperation protection can also be realized, so that the handling technology and corresponding products are widely used in labor-saving handling, anti-torsion arms, precision assembly, and intelligent logistics. and other scenarios

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