LIFTTECH Automotive Dashboard Manipulator The dashboard is the most important part of the car interior and the most eye-catching part of the car. During the driving process, it provides various information and data for the driver conveniently... Automotive dashboard manipulator Labor-saving spreader Power manipulator 省力搬运 硬臂机械手 8月 4, 2023
LIFTTECH VIN MANIPULATOR In fact, every new car is engraved with an "ID card" - VIN code. A VIN is a unique identifier for a vehicle worldwide and is accompanied by registration, insurance, annual inspection, repair and main... Automobile final assembly Global balance Motion smoothing Power manipulator Structural rigidity VIN 省力搬运 7月 12, 2023
LIFTTECH Door Removal Manipulator In the automobile assembly line, the weight of the workpiece to be transported (is it over 15kg?) is no longer a key indicator used to distinguish between manual handling and labor-saving equipment ha... Automobile Assembly Carrying by hand Integrated door removal labor saving equipment 6月 6, 2023
LIFTTECH 小型工件搬运解决方案 * A friend asked me recently Multiple workpieces Need a power hand? * Answer: Typically, power-assisted robotic arms can handle objects weighing between 15-500kg . In China, labor laws recommend the u... 力孚特 压缩机焊接接头检测 压缩机组装生产线 外壳组件 硬臂辅助操纵器 空调压缩机 软电缆辅助操纵器 辅助式机械手 4月 25, 2023
LIFTTECH 托盘堆垛机械手 In the face of the global demand for air conditioners in 2050 to climb from the existing 1.6 billion units to 5.6 billion units, up to more than three times the size of the growth, is undoubtedly the ... 动力传递机器 助推臂 平衡助推器 平衡起重机 托盘装载 智能平衡起重机 机械臂 气动平衡起重机 省力移动设备 硬臂机械手 立式起重机 节力夹具 节能吊具 辅助式机械手 3月 23, 2023
LIFTTECH 电机组装机械手 ** How is the motor made? ** Motor is a kind of equipment that can convert "electrical energy" into "mechanical energy". Generator It uses the rotating magnetic field generated by the energized coil... 动力传递机器 助推臂 平衡助推器 平衡起重机 智能平衡起重机 机械臂 气动平衡起重机 电机转子线圈 省力移动设备 硬臂机械手 立式起重机 节力夹具 节能吊具 辅助式机械手 3月 21, 2023
LIFTTECH 电机转子组装机械手 In our industrial production, it is very difficult to insert the rotor coil assembly into the rotor shaft of the motor, and often encounter the follo wing problems: Medium and large motor rotor c... 动力传递机器 助推臂 平衡起重机 机械手 电机转子线圈 省力搬运 节力夹具 节能吊具 零部件组装 3月 9, 2023
LIFTTECH 电池组操纵机PBF-HF125B Accelerating the production of new energy vehicles – handling manipulator for battery pack. MOOPEC launched a battery pack manipulator, PBF-HF125B, to improve the production efficiency for the industr... 人体工学搬运 工业机械手 工业机械手专家 摩派客 机械手 电池组 节省劳动力的 解决方案 10月 31, 2022
MOOPEC 卷料送料机器人 LFT-TBI 300 A new product, LFT-TBI 300, is released by MOOPEC this month. The product is designed especially for industries of requiring the feeding rolls or loading coils.... 人体工学搬运 健康与安全 卷料进给 工业机械手专家 摩派客 机械手 节省劳动力的 10月 31, 2022